I.-The information provided for in the first paragraph of II of article L. 3222-5-1 of the renewal of a seclusion or restraint measure is given by any means by the doctor in the cases mentioned in I and II of article R. 3211-31, to at least one member of the patient’s family, giving priority to the patient’s spouse, partner in a civil solidarity pact or cohabiting partner, or a person likely to act in the patient’s interest.
II – The information provided for in the fifth paragraph of II of article L. 3222-5-1 concerning the referral to the liberty and custody judge by the director of the establishment for the purpose of maintaining the seclusion measure after two decisions to maintain it taken by the judge is delivered by the doctor under the conditions mentioned in I.
III – The establishment informs the people mentioned in I of their right to refer the matter to the liberty and custody judge in order to have a seclusion or restraint measure lifted, in application of article L. 3211-12. This information is given at the time of the first renewal of a seclusion or restraint measure taken, in the cases mentioned in I of article R. 3211-31, after admission to full hospitalisation in care without consent.