I.-The solvency margin referred to in Article L. 334-1 is made up, after deduction of losses, the portion of acquisition costs not recognised as a representation of regulated commitments and other intangible items, of the following items:
1. However, preference shares as defined in article L. 228-11 of the French Commercial Code may be issued only if they meet the conditions laid down by order of the Minister for the Economy, relating in particular to the financial rights attached and the corresponding payments, which must be capable of being suspended and in this case are not carried forward to a subsequent financial year;
2. Reserves of any kind, whether regulatory or free, which do not correspond to commitments;
3. Profits, surpluses or losses brought forward, after deduction of dividends to be paid in respect of the last financial year;
4. However, after half the term of a loan, it is only included in the solvency margin at its value progressively reduced each year by a constant amount equal to twice the total amount of the loan divided by the number of years of its term.
II – The solvency margin may also be constituted by :
1. Funds actually received from the issue of subordinated securities or loans, as well as preference shares as defined in article L. 228-11 of the French Commercial Code, other than those of a non-cumulative nature mentioned in 1 of I ;
These subordinated securities and loans and preference shares must meet the conditions, particularly in terms of duration and redemption, which are set by order of the Minister for the Economy. These funds are accepted up to a limit of 50% of the required solvency margin or the solvency margin, whichever is lower. However, only 25% of the required solvency margin may be taken into account if the funds come from fixed-term securities or loans. Any repayment made irregularly may, in accordance with the provisions of Section 6 or Section 7 of Chapter II of Title I of Book VI of the Monetary and Financial Code, give rise to police measures or sanctions by the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution ;
2. The reserve for the guarantee fund provided for in article R. 423-16, up to the amount of the contribution paid by the company and not used by the fund.
3. The reserves constituted in application of articles L. 111-6 and L. 431-1 of the Mutual Code, including the portion of the contribution paid by the mutual or association and not used by the federal guarantee system or the guarantee fund mentioned in article L. 431-1 of the Mutual Code.
III -At the request and justification of the undertaking and with the agreement of the Autorité de contrôle, the solvency margin may also be constituted by:
1. Half of the unpaid share capital or the outstanding portion of the loan for the establishment fund, as soon as the paid-up portion reaches 25% of this capital or fund, up to a maximum, for insurance undertakings governed by this code, of 50% of the solvency margin or the minimum required solvency margin, whichever is lower, and, for mutual insurers and unions governed by Book II of the Mutual Code and provident institutions and unions governed by Title 3 of Book 9 of the Social Security Code, half of the outstanding portion of the loan for the establishment fund;
2. Contribution reminders that mutual insurance companies or mutual insurers and unions governed by Book II of the Mutual Code with variable contributions may demand from their member-policyholders or their participating and honorary members in respect of the financial year, up to half of the difference between the maximum contributions and the contributions actually called in, within the limit of 50% of the solvency margin or the minimum margin requirement, whichever is the lower;
3. Gains arising from the underestimation of assets and the overestimation of liabilities, insofar as such gains are not exceptional in nature;
4. Unrealised capital gains on the forward financial instruments referred to in articles R. 332-45 and R. 332-46 when the corresponding transactions are traded on a recognised market within the meaning of the last paragraph of A of article R. 332-2 or carried out over-the-counter insofar as they are guaranteed under the conditions set out in article R. 332-56.
Unrealised losses on forward financial instruments for which no provision has been made are deducted from the items listed in 3 and 4 of III.
IV – The solvency margin is reduced by the following items :
a) Own shares held directly by the insurance undertaking ;
b) Participations which the insurance undertaking holds in a credit institution, finance company, investment firm, portfolio management company or financial institution;
c) Subordinated claims which the insurance undertaking holds in respect of the undertakings referred to in b) above in which it has a holding;
d) Mutual or joint certificates issued and held directly by the insurance undertaking.
However, the items mentioned in b and c may not be deducted when the holdings mentioned in these paragraphs are held temporarily with a view to providing financial support to these undertakings.
V.-When it considers that the assessment of the profit, surplus or loss carried forward referred to in paragraph 3 of I is likely to be distorted by the existence of a limited financial reinsurance contract taken out by the undertaking, the Autorité de contrôle may limit the recognition of this carry forward, with a view to incorporating the future expenses expected under this contract. Where appropriate, the amount of the solvency margin is adjusted at the end of the limited financial reinsurance contract, on the basis of the cumulative deferral actually recorded.