If no attending doctor can be chosen, the coordinating doctor will inform the sentence enforcement judge.
In the case referred to in the fourth paragraph of article R. 3711-12, the sentence enforcement judge, in the presence of the coordinating doctor, will summon the person and, if applicable, those with parental authority over him, to try to reach an agreement on the choice of the attending doctor.
If no agreement can be reached, the sentence enforcement judge will designate a doctor suggested by the person as the attending doctor, after ensuring the person’s consent and after obtaining the opinion of the coordinating doctor.
If the sentence enforcement judge deems it impossible to make this appointment, he may order, depending on the case and in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure, that the prison sentence be served, that the suspended sentence be revoked, that conditional release be withdrawn or revoked, that sentence reductions be withdrawn or that the person be placed in secure detention.