The members of the regional economic, social and environmental council are divided into four colleges composed as follows:
1° The first college comprises representatives of companies and self-employed professional activities in the region, whatever the nature of their activity and their legal status;
2° The second college comprises representatives of the most representative employee trade union organisations;
3° The third college comprises representatives of bodies and associations that participate in the collective life of the region. It also includes representatives of associations and foundations active in the field of environmental protection, as well as qualified individuals chosen for their expertise in environmental and sustainable development issues. It also includes representatives of youth and popular education associations approved by the Minister for Youth pursuant to the décret du 22 avril 2002 pris pour l’application du premier alinéa de l’article 8 de la loi n° 2001-624 du 17 juillet 2001 et relatif à l’agrément des associations de jeunesse et d’éducation populaire;
4° Le quatrième collège est composé de personnalités qui, en raison de leur qualité ou de leurs activités, concourent au développement de la région.
A table, constituting Annex XI to this code, specifies, for each regional economic, social and environmental council, the number of its members and the distribution of the latter among the colleges.