Article R4122-1 of the French General Code of Local Authorities
The decree provided for in Article L. 4122-2 is issued on the report of the Minister for the Interior.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French General Code of Local Authorities | Regulatory part | PART FOUR: THE REGION | BOOK I: ORGANISATION OF THE REGION
The decree provided for in Article L. 4122-2 is issued on the report of the Minister for the Interior.
The decree provided for in article L. 4123-1 is issued on the report of the Minister for the Interior.
The special report on the activity of the State services in the region also includes an assessment of the action of the State’s public establishments that contribute to it. This report focuses in particular on the management of the State’s decentralised services, on actions to simplify their action and on the modernisation of their organisation in consideration of local specificities and with a view to the quality of service provided…
The members of the regional economic, social and environmental council are divided into four colleges composed as follows: 1° The first college comprises representatives of companies and self-employed professional activities in the region, whatever the nature of their activity and their legal status; 2° The second college comprises representatives of the most representative employee trade union organisations; 3° The third college comprises representatives of bodies and associations that participate in…
The representatives of businesses and self-employed professional activities are appointed either by the regional chambers of commerce and industry, the regional chambers of agriculture, the regional chambers of trades or the regional conferences of trades or the territorial chambers of commerce and industry, the chambers of agriculture, regional chambers of trades and crafts, or by organisations, trade unions or professional bodies representing businesses in the region, or by the managers…
I. – An order of the regional prefect sets, by application of the rules defined in articles R. 4134-1 and R. 4134-3, the list of organisations of all kinds represented on the regional economic, social and environmental council, the number of their representatives and, where applicable, the specific arrangements for their appointment. II. – An order of the regional prefect records the appointment of representatives of companies and self-employed professional…
No one may be appointed as a member of the regional economic, social and environmental council if they are deprived of the right to vote.
The members of the regional economic, social and environmental council are appointed for six years. In accordance with the procedure laid down in articles R. 4134-3 et R. 4134-4, to the vacancy of seats, within a period of two months from the date on which the vacancy is established by the regional prefect under the conditions specified by the rules of procedure provided for in article R. 4134-21. Any person…
The term of office of a member of the regional economic, social and environmental council who loses the capacity by virtue of which he or she was appointed or who is deprived of the right to vote expires automatically. The resignation of a member of the regional economic, social and environmental council is received by the president, who immediately notifies the president of the regional council and the regional prefect….
The regional economic, social and environmental council sits at the regional capital. The president of the said council may, with the agreement of the president of the regional council, convene it in another location. As an exception to the previous paragraph, in the regions grouped pursuant to the loi n° 2015-29 du 16 janvier 2015 relative à la délimitation des régions, aux élections régionales et départementales et modifiant le calendrier…
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