The technical provisions for the operations provided for in Article L. 441-1 are as follows:
1° The special technical provision, from which are deducted the benefits paid and management charges, within the limits set by the agreement, and to which are allocated the contributions paid, net of charges included in the contributions and taxes, as well as all financial income and expenses generated by the assets allocated to the special technical provision, including income corresponding to any tax credits attached to the holding of these securities and investments and the balance of financial income and expenses received from reinsurers in respect of the revaluation of the portion of the special technical provision ceded. This provision is capitalised at a zero rate;
2° The supplementary special technical provision, to which the assets mentioned in the last paragraph of Article R. 441-21 are allocated and from which the benefits paid are deducted, in the event that the deductions from the special technical provision are insufficient to pay these benefits;
3° The special technical reversal provision, to which assets previously allocated to the special supplementary technical provision may be allocated in accordance with the conditions set out in III of Article R. 441-7-1, and from which benefits paid are deducted in the event that deductions from the special technical provision and the special supplementary technical provision are insufficient to pay these benefits.
The commitments referred to in 1° to 3° are at all times represented by assets which are subject to auxiliary allocation accounting as provided for in Article L. 441-8, in accordance with the conditions set out :
a) Chapter III of Title V of Book III for the undertakings referred to in Article L. 310-3-1 ;
b) Chapter II of Title III of Book III for the undertakings referred to in Article L. 310-3-2. Articles R. 332-3 and R. 332-3-1 apply separately to each portfolio of securities and investments which is subject to sub-ledger accounting as provided for in Article L. 441-8 ;
c) Section 3 of Chapter V of Title VIII of the same book for supplementary occupational pension funds. Articles R. 385-6 to R. 385-8 apply separately to each portfolio of securities and investments which is subject to subsidiary accounting as provided for in Article L. 441-8.