The commission instituted by article L. 4425-24 is called the consultative commission on the evaluation of transfers of charges resulting from transfers of competencies.
In addition to its chairman, it comprises:
1° Ten representatives of the collectivity of Corsica, including the president and four members of the executive council of Corsica, the president of the Assembly of Corsica and four elected representatives of the Assembly of Corsica;
2° Ten representatives of the State, including the secretary general for the affairs of Corsica, the regional director of public finance of Corsica and the department of Corse-du-Sud and eight representatives of the State appointed by order of the prefect of Corsica, from among the civil servants of the services of the State in Corsica, interested in the transfers of competencies.
The President of the Corsican Executive Council and the President of the Assembly of Corsica appoint their deputies. The Corsican Assembly and the Corsican Prefect appoint a number of alternates equal to that of the other full members.
The duties of rapporteur before the commission are carried out by the Secretary General for Corsican Affairs or by his or her alternate.