The services mentioned in the last sentence of the last paragraph of article L. 444-2, for which the rate of the discount may, over and above the amount of the fee set by the order mentioned in article L. 444-3, be agreed between the professional and his client, are as follows:
1° Services referred to in II of article R. 444-10;
2° Services relating to financing transactions and guarantees listed in the sub-category “acts relating principally to loans, debts and sureties participating in economic activity” in table 5 of appendix 4-7;
>Services relating to the transfer of assets and liabilities to a third party
3° Services relating to the transfer free of charge, by death or inter vivos, of shares in a company carrying on an industrial, commercial, craft, agricultural or professional activity;
4° Acts relating to the authorisations for temporary occupation of the public domain referred to in articles L. 1311-5 et seq. of the General Local Authorities Code and which constitute rights in rem.