I.-The occupational health physician shall have access, in their nominative form, to the results of individual dosimetric monitoring as well as to the effective dose of each worker for whom he is responsible for the enhanced individual monitoring provided for in Article R. 4451-82.
II.-As part of the enhanced individual monitoring provided for in article R. 4451-82, the occupational health physician may authorise access to the data mentioned in I:
1° On his delegation and under his responsibility, to the health professionals mentioned in the 1st paragraph of I of article L. 4624-1 who are placed under his authority, within the limits and for the purposes of the duties they perform;
2° Occupational physicians from another prevention and occupational health service who may be responsible for part of the reinforced individual monitoring, in particular relating to internal dosimetry.
III – The doctor designated by the worker and, in the event of death or incapacity, by his heirs, has access to the information provided for in I of this article.