The occupational health medical file includes the following elements:
1° Identity data, including the national health identifier referred to in Article L. 1111-8-1 of the Public Health Code, the medico-administrative data of the worker necessary for the coordination of his health care and, where applicable, the identity and contact data of his treating doctor;
2° Information enabling the current or past risks to which the worker is or has been exposed to be identified, in particular information relating to the characteristics of the workstation(s) and the sector of activity in which the worker is employed, data on exposure to one or more of the occupational risk factors mentioned in Article L. 4161-1 of the Labour Code or any other data on exposure to an occupational risk likely to affect the worker’s state of health, as well as the preventive measures put in place;
3° Information relating to the worker’s state of health collected during the visits and examinations required for individual monitoring of his state of health;
4° Correspondence exchanged between health professionals for the purposes of coordinating and ensuring continuity of care for the worker;
5° Formalised information concerning the certificates, opinions and proposals of occupational health professionals, in particular those formulated in application of Articles L. 4624-1, L. 4624-3 and L. 4624-4, information given to the worker on occupational exposure, identified risks, means of protection, the existence or absence of a pathology possibly linked to occupational exposure, as well as medical opinions;
6° A statement informing the worker of his rights of access to data concerning him and the conditions of access to his occupational health medical file;
7° Where applicable, the worker’s consent or opposition for the situations provided for in Articles L. 4624-1 and L. 4624-8 respectively.