The occupational health medical record may be entered and consulted by the health professionals in charge of the individual monitoring of workers provided for in Article L. 4624-1 in compliance with the rules of confidentiality specified in I of Article L. 1110-4 of the Public Health Code and in compliance with the rules of electronic identification and interoperability defined by the reference systems mentioned in Articles L. 1470-1 to L. 1470-5 of the same code.
The information in the occupational health medical record referred to in 1° or 2° of article R. 4624-45-4 may also be entered and consulted by the staff referred to in articles R. 4623-38 and R. 4623-40, delegated by the occupational health physician and under his responsibility, in compliance with the electronic identification and interoperability rules defined by the reference systems referred to in articles L. 1470-1 to L. 1470-5 of the Public Health Code.
The interoperability reference systems mentioned in article L. 1470-5 of the Public Health Code may be adapted to the specific nature of the activity of prevention and occupational health services.
All actions carried out on the occupational health medical record, whoever is responsible for them, are traced and kept in the occupational health medical record, in particular the date, time and identification of the occupational health and prevention service professional.