In order to ensure the implementation of the medical, technical and organisational skills required to prevent occupational risks and improve working conditions, the establishment provides the autonomous occupational health and prevention service with the resources it needs to function properly and carry out its tasks, in particular :
1° Nurses ;
2° Occupational health and prevention service assistants;
3° At the occupational health doctor’s suggestion, on an ad hoc or permanent basis, persons or organisations with skills required for the prevention of occupational risks and the improvement of working conditions.
The multidisciplinary team thus formed is led and coordinated by the occupational physician.
The members of the multidisciplinary team perform their duties in complete independence.
The independence of persons and bodies associated outside the establishment is guaranteed within the framework of an agreement which specifies:
-the actions entrusted to them and the procedures for carrying them out ;
-the resources made available to them as well as the rules ensuring their access to the workplaces and the conditions for carrying out their tasks, in particular those designed to ensure the free presentation of their observations and proposals.
The social services may be involved in the implementation of actions carried out by the autonomous occupational health and prevention service team.