The occupational physician attends, in an advisory capacity, meetings of the Works Council and the Works Medical Committee when the agenda of these bodies includes issues relating to health, safety and working conditions.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book VI: Prevention institutions and organisations | Title II: Occupational health and prevention services | Chapter VI: Occupational health services in health, social and medico-social establishments | Section 4: Actions and resources of the members of the multidisciplinary occupational health team | Subsection 1: Action on the working environment. | Article R4626-21 of the French Labour Code
The occupational physician attends, in an advisory capacity, meetings of the Works Council and the Works Medical Committee when the agenda of these bodies includes issues relating to health, safety and working conditions.
Le médecin du travail assiste, à titre consultatif, aux réunions du comité technique d’établissement et de la commission médicale d’établissement lorsque l’ordre du jour de ces instances comporte des questions intéressant la santé, la sécurité et les conditions de travail.
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