I.-The Comité régional d’orientation des conditions de travail comprises:
1° The regional Prefect or his representative, as Chairman;
2° A college of representatives of regional State administrations;
3° A college of representatives, in equal numbers, of employers’ and employees’ organisations representative at national level;
4° A college of regional social security, expertise and prevention bodies;
5° A college of qualified personalities, comprising in particular:
a) Personalities appointed for their expertise in occupational health, including, in particular, scientific or technical experts in company prevention;
b) Representatives of associations of victims of occupational risks and organisations of prevention professionals.
II -The Regional Occupational Health and Prevention Committee comprises:
1° The college of social partners, comprising an equal number of employee and employer representatives;
2° The college of regional State administrations and regional social security bodies.
III – The members of the colleges mentioned in 3° and 5° of I and in 1° of II are appointed to the various configurations of the Regional Committee by order of the Regional Prefect.
They are appointed following each four-yearly measurement of the audience of trade union organisations and professional employers’ organisations organised in application of articles L. 2122-9 and L. 2152-4, within four months of the publication of the last of the two decrees, provided for in articles L. 2122-11 and L. 2152-6, establishing the list of organisations recognised as representative at national and cross-industry level.
For each member of the college mentioned in 3° of I and 1° of II of this article, two alternates are appointed under the same conditions.