The members of the Regional Committee referred to in 3° and 5° of article R. 4641-16 shall complete and update an individual declaration of interests filed with the Regional Directorate for Business, Competition, Consumption, Labour and Employment. They shall not take part in any work likely to involve a conflict of interest.
Where necessary, any ministerial representative or any other person whom the representative of the Regional Directorate for Business, Competition, Consumer Affairs, Labour and Employment deems useful to the discussion of the issues on the agenda.
As part of its remit, the Regional Steering Committee on Working Conditions may set up and commission working groups on a particular issue to support and monitor the implementation of the regional occupational health plan, make recommendations or commission studies. Given a mandate and a provisional timetable, these groups report the results of their work to the Regional Committee.
When a vote is requested either by the Chairman or by half of the representatives of the college of social partners, it is taken by a majority of the members present who have the right to vote. In the event of a tie, the Chairman has the casting vote.
Attendance at meetings of the Regional Policy Committee on Working Conditions gives entitlement to allowances for travel and subsistence expenses, within the region, under the conditions laid down by decree no. 2006-781 of 3 July 2006 setting the conditions and procedures for payment of expenses incurred in the temporary travel of civil servants of the State.