Placed under the authority of the Regional Prefect, the Regional Orientation Committee for Working Conditions:
1° Participates in the preparation and updating of regional diagnoses relating to working conditions and the prevention of occupational risks;
2° Participates in the preparation and monitoring of the Regional Occupational Health Plan, which is the regional version of the Occupational Health Plan. It constitutes the work-related risk prevention programme of the regional public health plan, referred to inarticle L. 1411-11 of the Public Health Code ;
3° Is consulted on the regional implementation of public policies concerning health and safety at work and the improvement of working conditions, which are submitted to it by the public authorities;
4° Is consulted on the coordinated actions provided for inarticle D. 717-43-2 of the Rural and Maritime Fishing Code , adopted following the opinion of the regional technical committee referred to in article R. 751-160 of this code;
5° Is consulted on regional instruments for the orientation of public policies in the field of health and safety at work and is informed of the implementation of public policies in these fields;
6° Contributes to coordination with the regional health agency’s commission for the coordination of prevention policies and to the territorial organisation of public health policy referred to in article L. 1411-11 of the Public Health Code;
7° Contributes to coordination with the regional guidance and monitoring committee (CROS) responsible for the territorial implementation of the Ecophyto plan in accordance witharticle L. 253-6 of the Rural and Maritime Fishing Code, in its actions relating to health and safety at work when using plant protection products;
8° Adopts the opinions of the regional occupational health and safety committee.