The employer must prove that he has referred the matter to the body referred to in article R. 4722-1 within the time limit set and must forward the results of the checks and measurements to the Labour Inspection officer as soon as they are received.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book VII: Control | Title II: Formal notices and requests for verification | Chapter II: Requests for checks, analyses and measurements | Section 2: Workplace lighting. | Article R4722-4 of the French Labour Code
The employer must prove that he has referred the matter to the body referred to in article R. 4722-1 within the time limit set and must forward the results of the checks and measurements to the Labour Inspection officer as soon as they are received.
L’employeur justifie qu’il a saisi l’organisme mentionné à l’article R. 4722-1 dans le délai qui lui a été imparti et transmet à l’agent de contrôle de l’inspection du travail, dès leur réception, les résultats des contrôles et mesures.
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