Judicial authorities, as well as authorised judicial police officers, seized in the context of proceedings mentioned in 2° of Article 706-25-9 or notified in accordance with article R. 50-54, as well as the officers mentioned in 5° of article 706-25-9, may search the file using a secure electronic communication system on the basis of the following criteria, even if incomplete:
a) File number;
b) Identity data;
c) Address or location data;
d) Nature of the offences;
e) Date of the offences ;
f) Place where the offence was committed;
g) Nature and date of court decision;
h) Nature of main or additional penalties and measures imposed;
i) Persons failing to provide justification.
Prison registry officers authorised by the heads of prisons, individually designated and authorised officers from the prison intelligence office of the prison administration directorate, and authorised officers from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development may query the file using a secure electronic communication system based on the following criteria, even if incomplete:
a) File number;
b) Identity data.