To benefit from partial payment of the early retirement allowance by the State, the employee must meet the following conditions:
1° The employee has personally signed up to the early retirement scheme;
2° His or her employment contract is suspended for the duration of the actual payment of the allowance;
3° He or she is at least fifty-seven years old;
4° He/she joined the scheme, at the earliest, at the age of fifty-five and, at the latest, before his/her sixty-fifth birthday;
5° He/she was continuously employed by the company for at least one year before joining the scheme;
6° He/she has :
a) either completed fifteen years of assembly-line work within the meaning of c) of article 70-3 of the decree of 29 December 1945 as amended by decree no. 76-404 of 10 May 1976 or work in successive shifts, or have habitually worked two hundred nights or more per year for fifteen years;
b) or, if he/she is a disabled worker within the meaning of article L. 5212-13 on the date of entry into force of the professional agreement referred to in Article R. 5123-22, has at least forty quarters valid for retirement within the meaning of Articles R. 351-3, R. 351-4, R. 351-12 and R. 351-15 of the Social Security Code, in one or more employee social security schemes;
7° He/she has not met the conditions required for validation of a full-rate pension within the meaning ofArticle R. 351-27 of the Social Security Code ;
8° He or she is not engaged in any other professional activity;
9° He or she is not in receipt of a lifetime old-age benefit acquired on a personal basis and liquidated after entry into the scheme, or compensation paid pursuant to articles L. 5421-2, R. 5123-12 or law no. 96-126 of 21 February 1996 creating a joint fund to promote employment.
An order by the Minister for Employment determines the procedures for verifying that the employee meets the above conditions.