While the employee’s employment contract is suspended, the company will pay the employee an early retirement allowance, the minimum amount of which is determined by the professional agreement.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Five: Employment | Book I: Measures to promote employment | Title II: Aid to maintain and safeguard employment | Chapter III: Aid for redeployment and retraining measures | Section 6: Early retirement benefit agreement | Subsection 3: Calculation and payment of the allowance | Article R5123-30 of the French Labour Code
While the employee’s employment contract is suspended, the company will pay the employee an early retirement allowance, the minimum amount of which is determined by the professional agreement.
Pendant la durée de la suspension du contrat de travail du salarié, l’entreprise lui assure le versement d’une allocation pour cessation anticipée d’activité dont le montant minimum est déterminé par l’accord professionnel.
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