The State participates in the financing of the allowance paid to beneficiaries under the following conditions:
1° The State’s contribution is only due after the expiry of a period starting from the date of suspension of the employment contract and including a number of days corresponding to the compensatory paid holiday allowances paid by the employer;
2° The base taken into account to determine the State’s financial contribution is equal to the allowance defined by the national professional agreement, within the limit of 65% of the reference salary for the part of the salary not exceeding the ceiling provided for in article L. 241-3 of the Social Security Code, plus 50% of the reference salary for the portion of this salary between one and two times this same ceiling;
3° The amount of the State’s contribution to the financing of the allowance is equal to a proportion, set by joint order of the ministers responsible for employment and finance, of the base defined in 2° above. This proportion increases under the conditions specified by this decree according to the age at which the employee benefited from the cessation of activity.