The reference salary is determined on the basis of the remuneration on which contributions to the unemployment insurance scheme were based for the last twelve calendar months prior to joining the scheme.
It is calculated in accordance with the rules defined under the unemployment insurance scheme provided for in Chapter II of Title II of Book IV. It is revalued in accordance with the rules defined in the second and third paragraphs of article L. 161-23-1 of the Social Security Code . The first revaluation can only take place if the remuneration making up the reference salary relates in its entirety to periods of more than six months at the date of revaluation.
The reference salary for employees benefiting from gradual early retirement is that which served as the basis for the payment of gradual early retirement benefits, revalued where applicable under the conditions provided for in articles 1 and 2 of decree no. 98-1024 of 12 November 1998 implementing article R. 322-7 of the Labour Code.