The State reimburses the company by paying the managing body designated by the professional agreement the financial contribution it is responsible for.
This reimbursement is made quarterly in arrears.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Five: Employment | Book I: Measures to promote employment | Title II: Aid to maintain and safeguard employment | Chapter III: Aid for redeployment and retraining measures | Section 6: Early retirement benefit agreement | Subsection 3: Calculation and payment of the allowance | Article R5123-34 of the French Labour Code
The State reimburses the company by paying the managing body designated by the professional agreement the financial contribution it is responsible for.
This reimbursement is made quarterly in arrears.
L’Etat rembourse l’entreprise en versant à l’organisme gestionnaire désigné par l’accord professionnel la participation financière qui est à sa charge.
Ce remboursement s’effectue trimestriellement à terme échu.
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