I.-The youth commitment contract includes the assessment referred to in article L. 5131-6 and defines:
1° The commitments of each party with a view to achieving the objectives set in relation to the young person, in particular the appointment of a referral advisor, responsible for supporting the beneficiary throughout his or her career.
The beneficiary’s commitments include attendance, active participation in all the planned actions and the sincerity and accuracy of the information provided;
2° An action plan drawn up according to the young person’s needs, specifying the objectives and duration of the support, which may not exceed twelve months;
This intensive individual and group support may include:
-work placements;
-training periods;
-support during active job-seeking phases, alone or in groups;
-specific actions as part of social and professional support;
-actions carried out by other organisations likely to contribute to social and professional support.
The action plan is updated at intervals and in accordance with procedures agreed with the young person;
3° If the conditions set out in the fourth paragraph of article L. 5131-6 are met, the allocation of an allowance and its maximum amount.
II – At the end of the contract, the advisor may, in exceptional circumstances and in the light of the young person’s needs, extend the duration of the contract to a maximum of eighteen months in total. The need for this extension must be duly justified by the advisor.
By way of derogation from the previous paragraph, when the beneficiary of the contract is, before the end of the contract, involved in a pathway or contract implemented by other organisations with the aim of integration or training, the list of which is set by decree, the youth commitment contract is extended until the last day of the second month following the end of the pathway or contract concerned.
If the young person enters employment at the end of the youth commitment contract, the support provided by the advisor may continue after the end of the contract, if necessary, in order to secure the young person’s professional integration into the company.
A new youth commitment contract may only be signed six months after the expiry of the previous contract, except in special circumstances assessed by the local mission or Pôle emploi representative, where the young person who has fulfilled his or her commitments under the first commitment contract is or has been faced with specific difficulties.