I.-Payment of the allowance referred to in article L. 5131-6 and, where applicable, of the replacement income referred to in article L. 5421-1 may be stopped, in whole or in part, if the young person, without legitimate reason, is absent from an action provided for in his or her youth commitment contract or cannot prove that he or she has carried out positive actions defined in this same framework.
II – In the event of repeated breaches by the young person or in the event of false declaration with the aim of receiving the allowance mentioned in article L. 5131-6, the contract is terminated.
III – The decisions referred to in I and II are taken by the legal representative of the local mission, Pôle emploi or any duly authorised person, on the advice of the referral advisor, after the person concerned has been given the opportunity to present his/her observations within a reasonable period of time.
These decisions must state the reasons on which they are based, specify the appeal procedures and deadlines, and be notified to the person receiving the support, or to their legal representatives if they are a minor or subject to legal protection, by any means that can be reliably dated.
These decisions take effect on the first day of the month following their notification.
IV -The fact that a person is a beneficiary of the youth commitment contract does not prevent Pôle emploi from applying the provisions of Article L. 5412-1.