The State, in consultation with the region, establishes strategic guidelines for the implementation of the right to support for young people at risk of exclusion from the labour market as referred to in article L. 5131-3. It involves the départements, municipalities and their groupings in this work.
These guidelines are part of the development plan for the regional public guidance service referred to in 5° of article L. 214-13 of the Education Code and the coordinated regional strategy for employment, vocational guidance and training referred to in article L. 6123-4-1 of the Labour Code.
These guidelines are subject to prior consultation within the Regional Committee for Employment, Vocational Training and Guidance, which also monitors them.
In particular, these guidelines specify the conditions under which the local missions and Pôle emploi will mobilise players in the fields of education, information, guidance, integration, training and employment to support young people.