The agreement may be concluded for a maximum period of three years with structures showing prospects of economic viability; it may be renewed under the same procedure.
The financial provisions of multi-year agreements are set out in annual amendments.
Each year, the organisation submits its annual accounts and an activity report detailing, for employees on integration schemes, the actions implemented and their results at the end of their time with the organisation.
This document specifies what has been achieved in terms of monitoring, social and professional support, and supervision of people with particular social and professional difficulties, including in particular the following details:
1° The human and material resources allocated to carrying out these actions;
2° The characteristics of the people hired and their employment contracts;
3° The nature, purpose and duration of the individualised monitoring and social and professional support measures for the people concerned;
4° Where applicable, the proposals for social action made to the person during the period of the action and before leaving the structure;
5° Suggestions for vocational guidance, pre-qualifying or qualifying training, or employment made to individuals, as well as any follow-up action taken;
6° The results in terms of access and return to employment for people leaving the structure.