The agreement signed to set up one or more integration workshops and work camps includes in particular :
1° A presentation of the integration project of the approved organisation, specifying :
a) The legal status of the supporting organisation ;
b) The number, purpose, duration and characteristics of the integration workshops and projects;
c) The arrangements for supporting employees on integration schemes or prisoners who have signed a prison employment contract and for working with the institution referred to in article L. 5312-1 of the Labour Code and the organisations responsible for the social and professional integration of these people, as well as, where applicable, a reference to the possession of a label issued by a third-party certifier attesting to the quality of the integration project of the workshop and integration site;
d) Where applicable, a reference to the existence of another agreement with a structure for integration through economic activity;
e) Whether the economic and social project of the integration workshops and work sites matches the local environment and the existing integration offer;
f) The area in which the workshops and work camps are located;
g) Where the activity is carried out in a prison, the establishment contract concluded for this purpose;
2° A presentation of the staff, material and financial resources mobilised to implement the integration project of the approved organisation and to carry out the administrative tasks and accounting obligations resulting from the activity of the approved organisation;
3° The number of integration posts likely to be approved, giving entitlement to the financial aid provided for in article R. 5132-37 and, where applicable, their allocation between the various integration workshops and sites;
4° The integration commitments made by the approved organisation and the indicators designed to report on actions and results;
5° The procedures for submitting job offers to the aforementioned institution;
6° The nature and amount of public and private aid from which the approved body is likely to benefit in order to carry out integration workshops and workcamps and, for those with a marketing activity, the amount of resources derived from the marketing of the goods and services produced;
7° The procedures for monitoring, checking and evaluating the agreement.