The application for employability assistance, the model for which is set by order of the Minister for Employment, includes :
1° Information relating to the identity of the beneficiary and their employment situation, the benefits they receive and their qualifications;
2° Information relating to the identity and characteristics of the employer;
3° Information relating to the nature, characteristics and content of the employment contract concluded with the employee;
4° The procedures for implementing the work integration aid, in particular :
a) The nature of the actions planned during the employment support contract or the initiative-employment contract, respectively, in terms of career guidance and support, vocational training and validation of acquired experience, pursuant to Article L. 5134-22, and in terms of career support and, where applicable, training, pursuant to Article L. 5134-65 ;
b) Where applicable, an indication that one or more periods of immersion with another employer are planned during the course of the contract, in application of article L. 5134-20 ;
c) The name of the mentor referred to in articles R. 5134-37 and R. 5134-60 and the organisation to which he or she reports;
d) The name and function of the tutor referred to in articles R. 5134-38 and R. 5134-61 ;
e) The rate of reimbursement used to calculate the aid paid to the employer and the number of working hours to which it applies;
f) The identity of the body or bodies responsible for paying the financial assistance and the payment arrangements;
g) The procedures for monitoring implementation of the aid by the authority awarding the aid.
The conditions under which the aid is granted may be modified before the term stipulated in the decision, with the agreement of the employer, the employee and the authority referred to in article R. 5134-14 that granted the aid.