The categories of personal data recorded are as follows:
1° Family name and, where applicable, surname, forenames, gender and date of birth;
2° Nationality, in one of the following forms:
-French ;
a national of a Member State of the European Union; – a national of a Member State of the European Union;
-national of a third country.
3° The registration number in the national register for the identification of natural persons;
4° Level of education;
5° Address;
6° Where applicable, the registration number on the jobseekers’ list and the duration of this registration;
7° Where applicable, an indication of whether the person is in receipt of the revenu de solidarité active (active solidarity income) financed by the département, the recipient’s number, the organisation responsible for payment and the length of time the person has been in receipt of this allowance;
8° Where applicable, an indication of whether the person is in receipt of the specific solidarity allowance, the disabled adults’ allowance or the temporary waiting allowance and the length of time they have been in receipt of this allowance;
9° Where applicable, an indication of whether the person is recognised as a beneficiary of the obligation to employ disabled workers, in the case of the persons mentioned in Article L. 5212-13;
10° The data mentioned in 2°, 3° and 4° of article R. 5134-17.