If the application is accepted, the operator, acting on behalf of the State, will enter into a support contract with the person, indicating which of the three phases defined in article R. 5141-29 is the first phase of support. The business start-up assistance and financial structuring assistance phases may be carried out concurrently or successively.
The support contract defines the mutual commitments of the operator and the person being supported.
The operator may terminate the support contract if the supported person fails, without legitimate reason, to comply with the commitments stipulated in the contract. The operator intending to terminate the contract shall notify the supported person by any means capable of proving receipt of the notification. The notification shall inform the person concerned of the opportunity to present their observations in writing or at an interview, during which they may be assisted by a person of their choice.
The termination decision is notified to the person by any means that enables the date of receipt to be established with certainty. The decision must state the reasons on which it is based and specify the appeal procedures and deadlines.