The declaration of assignment mentioned in Article L. 526-7 contains the following information:
1° The surname, business name, first names, date, place of birth and domicile of the sole trader;
2° The name used to carry out the professional activity to which the assets are assigned, including at least his name or business name; where the trader has made several declarations of assignment, the names used for each assignment of assets must be distinct ;
3° The address of the main establishment where the professional activity to which the assets are assigned is carried out or, in the absence of an establishment, the address of the residential premises where the business is based ;
4° The purpose of the professional activity to which the assets are assigned;
5° The closing date of the accounting year;
6° (Repealed)
7° The unique identification number of the company issued in accordance with l’article D. 123-235 if the person is already registered;
8° (Repealed)
The declaration mentioned in the first paragraph is accompanied by documents proving the identity of the sole trader and that the authorisations provided for in Article 388-1-2 of the Civil Code have been obtained.
Where the sole trader assigns assets, rights, obligations or securities to his business activity, he shall file in the register, to be appended thereto, the descriptive statement provided for in article L. 526-8 as well as, where applicable, the documents attesting to completion of the formalities referred to in articles L. 526-9 and L. 526-11.