Removal from the jobseekers’ list makes it impossible to obtain a new registration:
1° For a period of one month when the breach mentioned in c of 3° of Article L. 5412-1 is noted for the first time. In the event of a second breach, this period is extended to two consecutive months. From the third breach onwards, this period is extended to four consecutive months;
2° For a period of one month when the breaches mentioned in 1°, 2° and a, b, d and e of 3° of the aforementioned article are detected for the first time. In the event of a second breach within this group of breaches, this period is extended to two consecutive months. From the third breach within this group of breaches, this period is extended to four consecutive months;
2° bis For a period of four consecutive months if the breach referred to in f of 3° of the aforementioned article is found;
3° For a period of between six and twelve consecutive months where the false declarations referred to in Article L. 5412-2 are found.
Assessment of the repeated nature of the breaches takes into account any new breaches detected within two years of the date of notification of the removal from the register in respect of the first breach.