The following resources are not taken into account when determining entitlement to the specific solidarity allowance:
1° The insurance allowance previously received by the person concerned ;
2° The increased solidarity allowance ;
3° Family benefits;
4° The exceptional back-to-work bonus introduced by decree no. 2005-1054 of 29 August 2005 creating an exceptional back-to-work bonus for certain recipients of minimum social benefits;
5° La prime de retour à l’emploi instituée par l’article L. 5133-1 ;
6° The flat-rate bonuses instituted respectively by Articles L. 5425-3 of the present Code, L. 262-11 of the Code de l’action sociale et des familles and L. 524-5 of the Code de la sécurité sociale ;
7° L’allocation de logement prévue au b du 2° de l’article L. 821-1 du code de la construction et de l’habitation ;
8° The allowance for self-employed workers mentioned in article L. 5424-25 previously received by the person concerned;
9° Indemnities paid to persons drawn by lot as mentioned in article 4-3 and 2° of article 12 of order no. 58-1360 of 29 December 1958 on the organic law relating to the Economic, Social and Environmental Council.