I. – Participative finance intermediaries shall mention on their website, in a manner that is easily accessible from the first page, and in all correspondence and on all advertising media, with the exception of radio advertisements, their name and corporate name, the address of their registered office, their e-mail address, their registration number in the register referred to in Article L. 512-1 of the Insurance Code and, where applicable, its authorisation as a payment institution or proof of its registration as a payment institution agent in the register referred to in article R. 612-20 .
II. – Before 30 June, the equity investment intermediary publishes on its website an activity report for the previous calendar year presenting its governance system and indicating the number and total amount of projects received and accepted during the year, the number of projects actually financed, the total amount of financing in the form of loans, free loans and donations, the total number of lenders, the average number of lenders per project, the average amount of loans, free loans and donations per lender and the default indicators defined in b of 3° of Article R. 548-5.