Where the customer is acting in the context of a trust within the meaning ofArticle 2011 of the Civil Code or any other comparable legal arrangement governed by foreign law, a beneficial owner within the meaning of 1° of Article L. 561-2-2, any natural person who satisfies one of the following conditions:
1° He or she is the settlor, trustee, beneficiary or third party protector under the conditions laid down in Title XIV of Book III of the Civil Code, or the settlor, administrator, beneficiary or protector in the case of trusts or any other comparable legal arrangement governed by foreign law;
2° He or she holds, directly or indirectly, more than 25% of the assets, rights or securities included in a trust or any other comparable legal arrangement governed by foreign law;
3° By virtue of a legal instrument appointing it for this purpose, it is intended to become the holder, directly or indirectly, of more than 25% of the assets, rights or securities included in the trust assets or in any other comparable legal arrangement governed by foreign law;
4° It belongs to the category of persons in whose main interest the trust or any other comparable legal arrangement governed by foreign law was set up or operates, where the natural persons who are the beneficiaries have not yet been designated;
5° It exercises by other means a power of control over the assets, rights or securities included in a trust or any other comparable legal arrangement governed by foreign law.