I.-The holder of the hospital at home authorisation contributes to the assessment and orientation of the patient. If necessary, they provide psychosocial care and therapeutic patient education. It is required to ensure continuity of care seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day, every day of the year. For each patient, it provides care for a limited period, which may be revised according to changes in the patient’s state of health.
II.-The holder of a home hospital care authorisation may work in social or medico-social establishments with accommodation, as mentioned in I of article L. 313-1 of the Code de l’Action Sociale et des Familles (Social Action and Family Code), as well as in experimental structures with accommodation covered by article L. 162-31 of the Code de la Sécurité Sociale (Social Security Code). In this case, the care provided to a resident does not replace the health and medico-social services provided by the facility.
III – The holder of the authorisation may care for patients in a geographical area defined by the home hospital care authorisation. This geographical area is determined by a list of the municipalities in existence on the date the authorisation is granted.