I.- The surgical care activity provided for in article R. 6123-201 is carried out according to the following three modalities:
1° Surgical care activity carried out on adult patients;
2° Paediatric surgical care activity;
3° Bariatric surgical care activity.
II.-The specific therapeutic practices mentioned in article L. 6122-7 for the modality mentioned in 1° of I are:
1° Maxillo-facial surgery, stomatology and oral surgery;
2° Orthopaedic and traumatological surgery;
3° Reconstructive plastic surgery;
4° Thoracic and cardiovascular surgery with the exception of the activity mentioned in article R. 6123-69;
5° Vascular and endovascular surgery;
6° Visceral and digestive surgery;
7° Gynaecological and obstetric surgery, with the exception of acts relating to childbirth performed as part of the care activity mentioned in 3° of Article R. 6122-25;
8° Neurosurgery limited to lesions of peripheral nerves and lesions of the vertebro-discal and intradural column, excluding the spinal cord;
9° Ophthalmological surgery;
10° Otorhinolaryngological and cervico-facial surgery;
11° Urological surgery.
The specific therapeutic practice(s) implemented are specified in the application for authorisation and mentioned in the authorisation decision.
III. -By way of derogation from the first paragraph of article R. 6123-206, the holder of the authorisation for “surgical care activity performed on adult patients” may take care of children, when the surgical activity concerns the therapeutic practices mentioned in 1°, 3°, 9° and 10° of II.
IV – By way of derogation from the first paragraph of article R. 6123-206, the holder of the authorisation for “surgical care activity practised on adult patients” may provide care for children, when the surgical activity relates to the therapeutic practices mentioned in 2°, 6°, 7° and 11° of II, for the urgent care of children over the age of three who fall within the scope of these specific therapeutic practices. For these situations, it joins the specific regional paediatric surgery scheme mentioned in article R. 6123-207.