The committee comprises twelve members qualified in the field of research:
1° Four representatives of the university hospital centre appointed jointly by the general manager and the chairman of the establishment’s medical commission after consultation with the executive board and the establishment’s medical commission. When the university hospital centre is made up of several university hospital centres, their representatives are appointed jointly by the general managers and the chairmen of the establishment medical commissions after consulting the executive councils and the establishment medical commissions;
2° Four university representatives appointed jointly by the president of the university and the directors of the medical, pharmaceutical and odontological training and research units. When several universities make up the hospital and university centre, their representatives are appointed jointly by the president and the directors of the medicine, pharmacy and odontology training and research units of each university;
3° Four representatives of the research organisations associated with the missions of the hospital and university centre within the framework of the agreements provided for in article L. 6142-5, appointed by the director general of the Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale, after consultation with their director.
When the committee examines questions concerning one of the health establishments associated with the missions of the hospital and university centre within the framework of the agreements mentioned in article L. 6142-5, a scientific personality, designated by the legal representative of this establishment, takes part in this work with the right to vote.
The members of the committee are appointed for a period of two years. They may be reappointed. However, there must be a two-year interval between two successive terms of office and a new term of office.
Any vacancy occurring at least three months before the normal expiry of the term of office shall give rise to a replacement for the remainder of the term.
The members of the Committee elect a Chairman and a Vice-Chairman from among their number for a two-year term. In the event of a tie, the oldest candidate shall be declared elected.