The members of the Regional Commission for Private Practice are appointed for three years by the Director General of the Regional Health Agency. If they lose the capacity in which they were appointed, they are replaced under the same conditions of appointment for the remainder of their term of office.
The Commission comprises :
1° A chairman, an independent person ;
2° A member of the Regional Medical Council with no links of interest with a private health establishment, appointed on the recommendation of the Regional Medical Council;
3° Two directors of public health establishments, including one representative of a university hospital centre and one representative of a non-university public health establishment, appointed on the recommendation of the organisation most representative of these establishments at regional level;
4° Two chairmen of hospital medical committees, including one chairman of the hospital medical committee of a university hospital centre and one chairman of the medical committee of a non-university public health establishment;
5° The director of the Caisse d’assurance retraite et de la santé au travail (occupational health and retirement insurance fund);
6° Two representatives of permanent teaching and hospital staff who are members of commissions for self-employed activity within public health establishments, appointed from among the members who have applied, one of whom is appointed from among practitioners authorised to engage in self-employed activity and one from among practitioners who do not engage in self-employed activity;
7° Three hospital practitioners who are members of commissions for self-employed activity within public health establishments, appointed from among the members who have applied, two of whom are appointed from among practitioners authorised to engage in self-employed activity and one of whom is appointed from among practitioners who do not engage in self-employed activity;
8° Two members of non-physician supervisory boards, one of whom is a member of the supervisory board of a university hospital centre and the other a member of the supervisory board of a non-university public health establishment, appointed from among the members who have put their names forward;
9° A representative of users of the healthcare system appointed from among the members of the associations mentioned in article L. 1114-1.