I. – The personal training account of the employee referred to in article L. 6323-11-1 who has worked at least half of the legal or contractual working time over the year is topped up by 800 euros for that year, up to a maximum of 8,000 euros.
II. – In order to benefit from this increase, the employee must declare that he meets the conditions laid down in this article using the electronic service mentioned in I of article L. 6323-8. This declaration may be made, at the employee’s request and using the same procedures, by the employee’s career development advisor. The increase is effective from the time the account is credited for the year in which this declaration is made.
III. – Any employee who no longer meets the conditions laid down in Article L. 6323-11-1 must declare this via the electronic service mentioned in I of Article L. 6323-8. They cease to benefit from the provisions of the same article from the following calendar year.
IV. – Specific information on the procedures for this declaration, the resulting increase in duties and the consequences of fraudulent or erroneous declaration is provided via the electronic service mentioned in I of article L. 6323-8. This information is also provided by the professional development adviser, under conditions defined by the specifications mentioned in the fourth paragraph of Article L. 6111-6.
V. – In the event of a fraudulent or erroneous declaration, the rights recorded in the personal training account are subject to a new calculation carried out in accordance with the provisions of article L. 6323-11, without prejudice to the penalties provided for in articles 313-3 and 441-6 of the French Penal Code.
The general terms and conditions of use of the dematerialised service referred to in article L. 6323-9 specify that rights, expressed in euros, obtained following a fraudulent or erroneous declaration may not be used. Where the account holder has nevertheless used such rights, he shall reimburse the corresponding sums to the Caisse des dépôts et consignations or, where applicable, to the Commission paritaire interprofessionnelle régionale mentioned in article L. 6323-17-6, following an adversarial procedure and in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in the general conditions of use.