The purpose of the automated processing mentioned in article R. 6323-32 is to enable :
1° The management and control of rights acquired under the personal training account and under the individual right to training for local elected representatives, as well as top-ups in additional rights, accessible via a dematerialised service set up for this purpose;
2° Informing the holder of the personal training account or individual training rights for local elected representatives;
3° Covering the cost of training courses, from registration to payment to the service providers mentioned in article L. 6351-1 of this Code and the bodies mentioned inarticle L. 1221-3 of the General Local Authorities Code, after checking the training courses and verifying that the service has been provided;
4° Putting the holder of the personal training account or individual training rights of local elected representatives in contact with the service providers and bodies mentioned in article L. 6351-1 of this Code and article L. 1221-3 of the General Local Authorities Code, in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the general conditions of use of the electronic service mentioned in article L. 6323-9 of this Code and in III ofarticle L. 1621-5 of the General Local Authorities Code;
5° Analysing the use of and evaluating the implementation of the personal training account and the individual right to training for local elected representatives, in particular by means of statistics;
6° Making available the services provided under the personal activity account mentioned in II of article L. 5151-6 via the online service mentioned in I of article L. 5151-6 ;
7° The provision of services to support the holder of the personal training account or individual training rights for local elected representatives in building their career path and making proposals in line with their preferences, expectations and career path;
8° Identifying voluntary or volunteer activities, adding to and drawing on the rights registered on the citizen commitment account in accordance with the provisions of articles L. 5151-7, L. 5151-8 and L. 5151-9 ;
9° The provision of services enabling the holder of the personal training account to record the knowledge and skills acquired in the course of their initial and continuing training, and their career, within the guidance, training and skills passport mentioned in the second paragraph of II of article L. 6323-8 ;
9° bis The implementation and management of the prevention passport mentioned in Article L. 4141-5 and integrated into the passport mentioned in 9° ;
10° Implementation of the data sharing referred to in the second paragraph of Article L. 6353-10;
11° Investigation of claims and disputes and recovery of sums unduly paid, in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the general conditions of use of the electronic service referred to in article L. 6323-9 of this code and in III of article L. 1621-5 of the General Local Authorities Code;
12° Access to the training courses mentioned in I of Article L. 1621-5 of the General Local Authorities Code.