The agreement concluded between the beneficiary of the professionalisation contract and his legal representatives in the case of minors, the employer in France, the employer abroad, the training body in France and, where applicable, the training body abroad, pursuant to II of article L. 6325-25, specifies, in particular
1° The start and end dates of the mobility period;
2° The purpose of the training and the nature of the tasks entrusted to the beneficiary of the professionalisation contract in relation to the qualification in question, which is the subject of the professionalisation contract;
3° The places of work and, where applicable, of training;
4° The names and qualifications of the people responsible for monitoring the course in France within the training organisation and in the host country, as well as the monitoring procedures;
5° The equipment used and products;
6° The working hours, working time, weekly rest periods, holidays and public holidays;
7° Where applicable, the arrangements for payment of remuneration and ancillary costs incurred by the mobility;
8° Where applicable, the arrangements for assessing and validating the skills acquired abroad;
9° The provisions applicable to the beneficiary of the professionalisation contract in the host country in terms of health and safety at work;
10° Information on the guarantees taken out in terms of civil liability or cover for equivalent risks in the country concerned, by the beneficiary of the professionalisation contract, the host company and, where applicable, the host training organisation.
An order issued by the Minister for Vocational Training sets out the model for this agreement.