Cash in excess of the amounts available to a skills operator in application of articles R. 6332-27 is paid to France Compétences before 30 April of the year following the end of the financial year.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Six: Lifelong vocational training | Book III: Continuing vocational training | Title III: Financing of continuing vocational training | Chapter II: Skills providers | Section 1: General provisions | Subsection 3: Fund management | Paragraph 4: Cash and cash equivalents | Article R6332-29 of the French Labour Code
Cash in excess of the amounts available to a skills operator in application of articles R. 6332-27 is paid to France Compétences before 30 April of the year following the end of the financial year.
Les disponibilités excédant les montants dont un opérateur de compétences peut disposer en application des articles R. 6332-27 sont versées à France compétences avant le 30 avril de l’année suivant la clôture de l’exercice.
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