Approval is granted pursuant to II of Article L. 6332-1-1 when the skills operators :
1° Are capable of implementing cost accounting ;
2° Operate in a field characterised by similar occupations, jobs and skills, or by the existence of complementary sectors of activity, or by a general level of qualification of employees or by common prospects for the development of occupations in the branches concerned;
3° Manage an amount of contributions, after deduction of the inter-branch equalisation referred to in 1° of Article L. 6123-5, in excess of 200 million euros, or cover at least 200,000 companies;
4° Are managed by a board of directors or have the bodies mentioned in 2° of article R. 6332-8 to ensure representation of all the employee trade union organisations and professional employers’ organisations in the branches to which the skills operator belongs;
5° Provide in their articles of association that a Government Commissioner, appointed by order of the Minister for Vocational Training, attends meetings of the Board of Directors in an advisory capacity.