The cash available to a non-salaried employee training insurance fund at 31 December of a given financial year may not exceed one third of the amount of expenses recognised during the same financial year, after deduction of depreciation and provisions other than those relating to a dispute with a training body.
Training contributions paid in year N to finance training carried out in year N + 1 are not included in the calculation of cash balances.
Cash and cash equivalents at 31 December consist of the amounts shown in the investment, bank and cash accounts, as defined in the chart of accounts provided for in 5° of article R. 6332-63. However, investments are valued at their net asset value.
Cash in excess of the amounts available to the training insurance fund for non-salaried workers in application of the first paragraph of this article is paid to France Compétences before 30th April of the year following the end of the financial year.
The Fonds d’Assurance Formation de Non-Salariés shall send France Compétences the balance sheet for the financial year for which a financial surplus is determined, together with the auditor’s report and the documents justifying the structure’s cash position, with the corresponding payment. These documents are also sent to the Minister responsible for vocational training.
Failing this, the procedure set out in articles L. 6362-8 to L. 6362-12 will be applied.