When the Caisse des dépôts et consignations finds that the holder of a personal training account has failed to honour the commitments he has entered into, it may, depending on the nature of the failure, temporarily suspend the payment of training from which he is benefiting or from which he is applying to benefit. These measures, proportionate to the breaches observed, are taken following an adversarial procedure and in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in the general terms and conditions of use of the online service.
In the event of a fraudulent or erroneous declaration, the entitlements entered in the personal training account will be recalculated, without prejudice to the penalties provided for in articles 313-3 and 441-6 of the Criminal Code.
Entitlements, expressed in euros, obtained as a result of a fraudulent or erroneous declaration may not be used. Where the account holder has nevertheless used such rights, he/she shall reimburse the corresponding sums to the Caisse des dépôts et consignations following an adversarial procedure and in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in the general terms and conditions of use.