Before the trainee starts work, a training plan drawn up by agreement between the director of the establishment and the trainee will be drawn up for courses involving teaching provided wholly or partly by distance learning.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Six: Lifelong vocational training | Book III: Continuing vocational training | Title IV: Vocational training trainees | Chapter I: Trainee remuneration | Section 1: Financing of work placements paid for by the State or the Department of Mayotte | Subsection 3: Training plan for courses involving distance learning | Article R6341-12 of the French Labour Code
Before the trainee starts work, a training plan drawn up by agreement between the director of the establishment and the trainee will be drawn up for courses involving teaching provided wholly or partly by distance learning.
Les stages comportant un enseignement dispensé en totalité ou en partie à distance donnent lieu, avant le début des travaux du stagiaire, à l’élaboration d’un plan de formation établi par accord entre le directeur de l’établissement et le stagiaire.
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