Subject to the application of the provisions of this Title, the obligations incumbent on the employer under social security legislation are assumed by the person, service or body responsible for paying the remuneration due to the trainee.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Six: Lifelong vocational training | Book III: Continuing vocational training | Title IV: Vocational training trainees | Chapter II: Social protection for trainees | Article R6342-1 of the French Labour Code
Subject to the application of the provisions of this Title, the obligations incumbent on the employer under social security legislation are assumed by the person, service or body responsible for paying the remuneration due to the trainee.
Sous réserve de l’application des dispositions du présent titre, les obligations qui incombent à l’employeur en application des législations de sécurité sociale sont assumées par la personne, le service ou l’organisme qui assure le versement de la rémunération due au stagiaire.
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