For training courses organised in sessions lasting a total of more than five hundred hours, a full delegate and a substitute delegate are elected at the same time in a two-round uninominal ballot.
All trainees or apprentices are eligible to vote.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Six: Lifelong vocational training | Book III: Continuing vocational training | Title V: Training organisations | Chapter II: Operation | Section 3: Representation of trainees and apprentices | Subsection 1: Election and voting | Article R6352-9 of the French Labour Code
For training courses organised in sessions lasting a total of more than five hundred hours, a full delegate and a substitute delegate are elected at the same time in a two-round uninominal ballot.
All trainees or apprentices are eligible to vote.
Pour les actions de formation organisées en sessions d’une durée totale supérieure à cinq cents heures, il est procédé simultanément à l’élection d’un délégué titulaire et d’un délégué suppléant au scrutin uninominal à deux tours.
Tous les stagiaires ou apprentis sont électeurs et éligibles.
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